This was a pic I took of the logo’s painted all over Bruce Fordyce, the vest and shorts were painted on as well, (over the G-string, don’t worry). These logo’s were not painted free-hand, there was quite some preparation. I was given photocopies of all the various logo’s in the right kind of sizes & the originals in their original colours. From there I bought all the right paints and traced the correctly sized ones to create transfers with water soluable koki. This provided me with the exact outlines of the logo’s on his body within minutes on the day & all that was left to do was to fill them in with the correct colours. It works really well when precision is needed, I also use this technique when making tatoos.
Oh, and BTW, I have a picture of Bruce Fordyce from the back, kaalgat except for G-string, heh heh!
I Studied make-up and special effects in 1993, and still get excited when a booking comes in. I'm glad I made a few good choices in my life, doing make-up for a living was one of them. I love my job!